Saturday, February 4, 2017

February Story Time

This week we read "Red Sled" by Lita Judge.  The children painted craft stick sleds red.  (I had assembled them first.)  Loving free play after stories and crafts!

Image result for red sled book

Image result for craft stick sled

Monday, January 30, 2017

January Story Times

In January we made puffy paint with shaving cream and glue (painted snow men on blue paper with buttons for eyes and buttons.)
We read "Snowmen at Night"
Image result for snow shaving cream paint
 Mittens with colored pom pom balls. (Jan Brett "The Mitten" and Kellogg's "Missing Mitten Mystery")
Image result for mittens construction paper pom poms

We played in fake snow with white conditioner and baking soda.
Image result for baking soda conditioner snow

We also made trees with bubble wrap snow.  (Make the tree with crayons- black- they paint the bubble wrap white and press onto blue paper).
Image result for bubble wrap trees
 We read "A Hat for Minerva Louise", "Super Truck", Seasons nonfiction "Winter", "It's Snowing" by Olivier Dunrea.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

December Story Time

Easy Christmas Wreath

Sponge paint evergreen trees

Finger print Christmas lights

fingerprint christmas light craft for kids

Star of David tape resist